Standlardaki indirme merkezlerinde bulunan dosyaları buraya ekleyebilir, daha sonra indir seçeneği ile bilgisayarınıza kayıt edebilirsiniz.


İçerik 1 Türkçe
İçerik 2 Türkçe



Your internet speed is important for an uninterrupted and high quality live stream experience. For the best viewing and streaming quality a minimum of 7 mbps download speed is recommended. Before the sessions, you can check your speed by clinking the link www.testmy.net/download. You can increase your connection speed by getting closer to your modem or switching you modem off and on.


The video/audio quality and fluidity during the live stream depends on both the speakers’ and the viewers’ connections speeds. In case you experience outage or pause during the live stream, please refresh the page in your web browser.


Depending on the safety & security features of your internet browser, the live broadcast can start muted. In this case, please click the loudspeaker icon at the top of the video player screen in order to unmute.

During bi-lingual sessions, you can toggle between Turkish and English using the button “TR/EN” at the bottom of your video player for your desired choice of language.


The streaming quality is automatically regulated depending on your internet service provider’s infrastructure and your connection speed. You can alter the live streaming quality using the cogwheel icon on the video player in the meeting room manually.


During the live broadcast you can direct your questions to the session moderators using the "Question Form"  on the page.


Live broadcast presentations may include questions that the veiwers can vote on. In order to vote on the questions raised during the live broadcast, you can click on the “Vote” button at the bottom of the page. You can log on using “Chat as a guest” feature on the pop-up window to the chatroom and you can vote using the “Vote” option at the bottom of the chat window.